The Garden Chronicles

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The Garden

This year became the year I would plant a garden.  This isn’t my first attempt at putting a garden together, but it certainly is the attempt I feel the most motivated.  My first few attempts went horribly wrong resulting in plants growing followed by plants dying.  Not my best work then, but I’m confident this time will be different.  Still, I’m not placing any bets on the garden succeeding, but this time is different because I have researched planting techniques and read up on successful gardening.

To start off, I found a community garden in the city I live in.  My home has no room to grow a garden unless I want to sleep in it too. The community garden is actually unique because it allows the community to come together into the area and grow a garden which may not have been possible without the shared space.  One of the highlights of the community garden is the fact that they have partnered up with a local food bank where any extra food can be donated to them.  



I feel like the layout provides am a layer of inclusivity that appears thoroughly thought out. Parts of the garden are accessible to people who may have access and functional needs and are raised off of the ground and have seating available. The Garden has designated areas specifically sectioned for people to grow food on behalf of the food bank. Another beneficial perk that makes me feel proud to be a part of is that local boys and girls scouts are able to earn badges by either building, planting or any other task that can be accomplished there.

My Plan

By no means am I considering myself a specialist of any kind, but I do want to share my experiences and tips with anyone who is considering growing a garden.  So far I have experienced some benefits, such as feeling more relaxed in the short time I have been growing and genuinely looking forward to seeing the plants progression. I hope to reap more than a bountiful harvest just like horticulture therapists have reported benefits such as improved memory, cognitive abilities, task initiation, language skills, and socialization.


I am overjoyed to be a part of this multifaceted community garden. I think that the goal and mission of the garden fits my own personal beliefs and ideals which are community involvement, giving back, inclusion, and increasing leisure experiences. So much is happening in such a small place in comparison to the world we live in. It is my idea of a true asset to our community and I believe there should be more emphasis placed on community gardening. Gardening is not just about planting and harvest, there is so much more in between that I am now observing and experiencing and I cannot wait to see what’s in store as well as sharing with you all.

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