The World is your Playground

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I started traveling some time ago.  I want to share my experience and provide you with tips on how to become a successful adventurer.  I’m still a novice, but I can already provide you with tons of tips that have worked for me in the past.

Even before I started traveling, I definitely did my research beforehand. I read blogs about people traveling the world, and I thought to myself, “I want to do that”.  So, one day I decided it was time to rearrange my priorities.  That was one of the best decisions I ever made.  The big change has to come from within you and only you.  I can rant all I want about making changes, but if you don’t want to change, then it won’t happen.  My change happened when I decided I needed to revamp my thought processes, so when I chose to alter my mindset, I began to ask myself “How can I do that?” rather than “I cannot do that”.  I started living my life by focusing on me first, not to say I disregarded everyone else, but I was ensuring that my life held less stress, and I would make every attempt to do things that I enjoyed.  My main focus became finding my own joy and have fun while doing that.  And guess what? I was able to manipulate my daily environment which directly improved my quality of life. I firmly believe you can do the same for yourself!

I hope to share my insight through this new travel segment and help all fellow and future travelers as well.  It’s time to change the way we think and just go out there and do it.  Trust me, you will live a much happier life, and as always feel free to write me or share your thoughts.

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